**wss 1/31/2023Set Inflation DefaultsRegroup Line ItemsSet Calc Using Distribution Flag toAssign DistributionCalculate AllocationsCalculate DistributionsCleanup GL Budget Prepare (Line Items)Create Personnel profile Earned HoursLoad Actuals to Line Item User ColumnsDelete GL…
GL Account Mapping
NEW **WSS 2/13/23A: Account MappingCopy Account Translation – ??? Need Details??? Insert FieldsBottom Grid – A: Account MappingAccount Mapping Details??? Need Details??? Insert FieldsB: Budget Version Mapping AdjustmentsRun Budget Version…
Salary Budget Utilities
**WSS 2/15/23Utilities by Budget Version, Worksheet, and Cost Centre Process WorksheetProcess Worksheet With Snap Shot Variance Assign Default Worksheet Profile Add Worksheet Items From Profile Calculate Salary Hourly Rates Set…
GL Budget Accounting Periods
**wss 2/13/23The GL Budget Accounting Period module controls the accrual/disbursal of pay period values to GL period values where distribution codes are unavailable. If your organization does not operate on a…
GL Budget/Forecast Overview
**wss 2/13/23 The GL Budget/Forecast Overview module acts as a quick review module for looking at multiple budget versions across multiple years. It divides data into Amounts and Hours, and splits…
Budget Manager Main Menu
General Ledger BudgetThe GL Budget module, primary module for budgeting non-compensation operating budgets. Most other budget modules use the GL Budget module as the destination for their calculation results.Budget ActivityBudget…