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Code Table Maintenance

**wss 12/1/22

Account Service Area
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary for which service area a Patient has been assigned to.

Account Stack Groups
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary for which service area a Patient has been assigned to.

Account Stack Prefixes
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to cross=reference Account Stack Group with Account Service Area.

Account Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to identify which account service area patient is registered to.

Admit Ambulance Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to indicate ambulance type used to admit patient.

Admit Category Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize a patient admission.

Age Categories
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize a patient age group.

Allocation Types
Listing of Allocation Types to be used by the Salary Budget program as a default/override in allocating Staff Schedule Worksheet requirement quantities to staff.

Ambulatory Care Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize a Ambulatory Care Types.

Amortization Schedule
Preset table of Amortization schedule for each predetermined number of years.

Amortization Types
List of Types used to categorize similar Amortization Schedules

Anaesthetic Categories
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize a patient anaesthetic category.

Asset Activity Types
Asset Activity Type is a code referencing the type of activity recorded in Asset Detail, a child record of Asset Master.

Asset Class Types
Asset Class Type is a code referencing the class that a Asset Record belongs to.

Asset Types
Asset Type is a code table used to group Asset Class Types.

Atypical Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize a patient Atypical Type.

Broader Public Sector Types
In Capital Assets Master will be a field linked to one of the records in this table.

Budget Version
Budget Version Master Record Table – includes all settings required to control access and process.

CACS Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary for which CACS Type a Patient has been assigned to.

Care Types
Dictionary to be used as a lookup for Care Types a Patient has been assigned to.

Cost Centres
Cost Centre Master Records by Account Type.

Cost Component Codes
Used in Patient Activity Costing – Cost Component Master Records defined by Ministry

Cost Source Type
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize Cost Source Type.

Diagnosis Code
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize Diagnosis Code.

Diagnosis Group
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize Diagnosis Group.

Distribution Types
Budget Version – Distribution Types

Earning Benefit Accumulator Groups
Used  in Salary Budget – Earning and Benefit Calculations

Earning Benefit Types
Earning Benefit Types Dictionary

Earning or Benefit Type
Earning or Benefit Type – used to define whether record is a employee earning or benefit.

Element Details
Reporting Trees – use Elements to create reporting tree structure for Cost Centre and Secondary.  Link:  Reporting Groups

Employee Name – used to normalize in Salary Budget module.  Normally imported from Payroll system.

Employee Classification
Employee Class Types – dictionary table for Employee Classifications

Employee Organization
Employee Organization Types – dictionary table for Employee Organization

Employee Type Groups
Employee Type Groups – dictionary table for Employee Type Groups

Employee Types
Employee Types – dictionary table for Employee Types

Entity Types
Entity within an Organization

Equation Type
Dictionary used as a reference in building a formula.

Fiscal Years
Table to control available Fiscal Years

Functional Centre Groups
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize Functional Centre Groups.

Functional Centres
Used in Patient Activity Costing – assigns key fields used in allocation and template calculations.

Gender Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Gender Type lookup

GL & Pay Period Distributions
GL & Pay Period Distributions – is the actual & materialized Accounting Periods tables

GL Account Mix Type
Used in Patient Activity Costing – PAC Recoveries Functional Centre Masks used for Cost Centres and Secondaries when determining what to use in calculations.

Group Roles
Salary Budget – Employee Records. This table assigns the values that will be used to fill in details in the the Earning Profile in the Salary module.  There is only one master Record, a carryover from our old system.

HIG Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a HIG Type lookup

Insurance Providers
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Insurance Provider lookup

Intervention Location
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Intervention Location lookup and to define Operating Room and Recovery Room Cost Centre Ranges to use in calculations.

Inventory Numbers
Inventory Number Table used to normalize the Inventory Actuals history transactions downloaded.

Inventory Package Types
Inventory Package Type Table used to normalize the Inventory Actuals history transactions downloaded.

Job Cost
Capital Budgeting – Job Costs aka Capital Projects.  Used in GL Budget Entry for budgeting for Capital Projects.s

Journal Types
Dictionary used to identify Journal source of transactions.

Main Intervention Type
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Main Intervention lookup

Marital Status Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Marital Status Type lookup

Methodology Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing to categorize and establish Methodology Types that will be used in costing calculations.

Nurse Areas
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Nurse Area Lookup

OCDM Secondary Accounts
Used in Trial Balance audit to assign Base Secondary Account to Secondary Account.

OCDM Series
Used in Trial Balance audit to categorize OCDM series..

PAC Process
Patient Activity Costing preparation process.

Patient Service Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Patient Service Type Lookup

Patient Services
Used in Patient Activity Costing as a Patient Services Lookup

Period of Activity (POA)
Used in Salary Budget Calculations to define Periods of Activity.

Period Types
Lookup Table for Period Types

Physicians Code Table
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary for Physicians.

Preset Groups
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary for Preset Groups.

Priority Types
Dictionary for Priority Types.

Procedure Charge Category
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary for Procedure Charge Categories.

Procedure Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary for Procedure Types.

Procurement Status Types
Used in Capital Asset Manager – dictionary for Procurement Status Types.

Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to identify Product.

Product Group
Used in Patient Activity Costing – dictionary used to categorize Product Group.

Production Types
Used in Salary Module – dictionary to identify MIS UPOMM Codes.

Profile Assignment
Used in Salary Budget Module – dictionaries used to assign appropriate Profile code for the salary record.

Profile Master
Used in Salary Budget module – dictionary to identify Earnings/Benefit codes to use in a budget version.

Profile Percent
Used in Salary Budget Module – dictionary to automate selection application of overide values for earning benefit based on data values in the salary record.

Project Request Category
Used in Capital Asset Manager to set up Project Request Category Codes and assign descriptions to them.

Project Status Types
Used in Capital Asset Manager to set up Project Status Type Codes and assign descriptions to them.

Reason Types
Dictionary Entries referenced in the Salary and General Ledger Modules. The purpose of assigning Reason Types to entries in the GL Budget and the Salary Budget is to use the Include in Rollover checkbox to instruct the Rollover program whether to exclude an entry from transferring to new Fiscal Year.
Reason Types can also be used to categorize entries in the GL and Salary modules. Budget Entries can be reviewed by filtering on a specific Reason Type.

Reclass Target Accounts

Used in Patient Activity Costing –  I used to use it directly but users found it too difficult to understand the expanded version of these two tables …So it is now used as a source to generate GL Account translation (Admin reclass) so Calc Sequence block 3 is auto-generatedfrom the PAC utilities.  (RHS top references both this and the automation for recovery accounts)

Report Categories
System User Config or Parameter – Used in Reporting/Report Writer when grouping reports in Run Report section.

Residence Code Types
Used in Patient Activity Costing to set up Residence Code Type Codes and assign descriptions to them.

Rule Category Class
Trial Balance Audit Rules to check.

Salary Budget Version
Salary Budget Version Dictionary -rules definition for salary budget version

Salary Class Grid Cross Reference
Used in Salary Budget

Salary Grid Types
Used in Salary Budget

Salary Pay Levels
Salary Budget – used to cross-reference to Salary Grid Types

Salary Step Plan Types
Salary Budget – settings to define when step increases are applied and the rules associated with it.

Salary Vacation Plan Types

Salary Budget – Vacation Entitlements

Scope Types
Used in ESM Reporting

Score Card Groups
Used in ESM Reporting

Secondary Accounts
Secondary Account Dictionary

Sequence Groups
Sequence Code to group Schedule records in Salary Module

Source Code Types
Used to define source of data for budget/actual data

Source Types
Used in ESM Reporting to indicate source of data

Statistic Level Types
Used in Statistics Management.

Statistic Types
Used in Statistics Management.

Statistics Canada Types
Used in Capital Asset Manager to set up Statistics Canada Type Codes and assign descriptions to them.

Status Types
Used in Salary Budget

System Parameters (User Set)
Parameters to use in programs.

Trial Balance Version
Used in Trial Balance Audit to set up Trial Balance Version Codes and assign descriptions to them.

Vacation PT like FT Exceptions

This table works in concert with the system parameter pt_vacation_like_ft.  If set to true, then the table below is active. In other words, by salary version, these are the PT employees that will be treated the same as FT when it comes to vacation. (Vacation hours based on FTE vs Vacation in lieu)  They need to have another profile for these staff as the vacation line does have default hours, just like FT staff.

Value Types (Hours Each FTE)
Used in Salary Budget to identify whether earning type is hours, Each or FTE

Vendor Table
ESM – Used to Identify vendors.

Worksheet Item Types
Used in Salary Budget to set values used in the worksheet requirements page.

Worksheet Items Accumulator Groups
Used in Salary Budget to identify Accumulator Groups.

Worksheet Items Code Table Detail
Used in Salary Budget to set values to be used in earnings/benefits calculations.

Worksheet Items Source Parameters
Used in Salary Module to set vales to use in earnings/benefits calculations.

Worksheet Profile Master
Used in the Salary Budget to assign earnings/benefits using Profile Code