Worldsoft Documentation Search

Cube Storage

**wss 1/23/23

View Only – Listing of Cube Count and storage usage by Table Description.

A: Main

View Only – Details of Cube count by Period of Activity for tables in Table Description Category

Cleanup Utility – How to Delete (aka remove) cubes.

Before using the Buttons on the top right hand of the screen, Select Cube Template to use, select upper range of  Period of Activity, Select Fiscal Period.

Preview Cubes for Deletion – click to list Cubes based on selection.

Mark Cubes for Deletion – Click to fill in check boxes for Tag for Deletion.  Prompt will ask for confirmation of tagging records and number of records to be tagged.

If you select Yes to following prompt, the program will schedule cubes for deletion listed in the details grid.  Selecting No will cancel request.

The Process Scheduler includes a Daily Maintenance record that physically deletes (removes) the cubes marked for deletion.  Process Scheduler