Distribution in the Information Management Platform – Budget Manager Modules – 2019-05-15
Distribution Codes are used through the Budget Manager modules to take annualized budget values and assign their end results to the appropriate budget periods.
Distribution Codes
Distribution Codes are defined in the Distributions and Assignment module. Distribution codes should be created with both a GL Period distribution and a Pay Period distribution defined. Distribution Codes can be assigned as applying to all years, in which case the values entered act as a default, or to a specific fiscal year.
Go World Software Inc has the ability to import or create distribution codes based on actual data – let us know you would like this configured for your site.
It is very important to review the days in period distribution every year before beginning the budgeting process, to make sure that the correct number of days for each period are configured for the given budget year.
Any Distribution Codes starting with “DIP_” have been system generated to accommodate salary schedule date restrictions.
Interaction with the General Ledger Budget module
In the standard budgeting approach General Ledger budget amounts are budgeted and adjusted on a lump sum basis. The system assigns a distribution code to the budget line and every time the record is altered the system recalculates the period disbursement. All period assignment is based on the GL Period distribution configuration.
Interaction with Salary Budget module
The interaction of Distribution Codes with salary budget data depends on the type of earning or benefit being budgeted. In general, the salary module utilizes Pay Period distributions for all calculation purposes, and then redistributes the final values based on GL Period distribution when transferring the results to the General Ledger Budget module.
Earning or Benefit – Fixed Value
In the case where the earning or the benefit is a standardized lump sum, the distribution code is applied immediately.
Earning – Each Value
In the case where the earning is an each rate earning (eg: allowance, shift premium), the lump sum value is calculated and then distributed.
Earning or Benefit – Percentage Value
Where an earning or benefit is calculated off of an accumulator group you must make the decision whether or not a distribution should even be assigned. A distribution code will take the end calculated result and redistribute the value. If no distribution code is assigned the earning/benefit will be calculated on a per period basis and will naturally fall off/respect any maximums or break values inherent to the formula.
Earning – Hourly Rate
Any earning that directly uses an employee’s hourly rate or a derived value from that rate (eg: OT 1.5) has an extra processing step prior to budget results. Firstly, the system uses the distribution code to distribute the budgeted hours among the pay periods. Then, the system uses these distributed hours to determine things such as step increases. Next, the system determines what hourly rates apply for the employee for each pay period (including grid increases). Finally, the system multiplies the distributed hours by the generated hourly rates to determine your final dollars per period approach.
Creating a Distribution Code
-bulk add will add all periods to the bottom grid for data entry
-fill in the amount column for all periods that should have amounts
-use ‘Calculate Percentages’ after enter all amount values to populate the Percent column
-make sure to complete a configuration for both the General Ledger and Pay Period period types
Assigning a Distribution Code – General Ledger Module
-‘Seq’ acts as a priority level, the system will choose the highest potential match by priority number
-if you create your default distribution at sequence 1, the system will never use any other distribution assignments you create
-enter the Sequence, Description, and Secondary Range
-on the bottom grid:
-enter the distribution code to assign and the cost centre range that the assignment will apply to
-once again, Seq acts as a priority level
-select the Version
-run ‘Assign Distribution’
-run ‘Calculation Distributions’
Assigning a Distribution Code – Salary Budget Module
-assignment code and description can be as you like
-entity type through employee classification allow you to refine/create assignment exceptions based on those values
-earning benefit type is required and points to the specific earning/benefit code the assignment applies to
-confirm the budget version filter and budget version is accurate
-distribution master is the distribution code to assign
-cost centre range is the cost centres that this will apply to
-secondary accounts can be used to further refine the range (eg: applying the distribution only to MOS or UPP)
-the system will automatically handle this for you the next time the worksheets are processed
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