This document covers use of the Salary Module after a new year rollover.
Compensation budgets are loaded through the dropdown at the top of the module tab.
The Eraser icon clears the dropdown selection. Cost Centres control which cost centres to display, and Budget Version controls the Salary Budget Version being edited. Reset All will wipe both dropdowns.
Basic Concept
Employees are divided into worksheets based on their Employee Class/Employee Class Group. These worksheets are stored according to the cost centre they belong to. Typically, you will have all Employee Types belonging to a single Employee Classification on the same worksheet.
A user loads a cost centre, selects the worksheet they want to edit, and then moves to the B: Schedule tab to change budget entry values. After items are changed in the B: Schedule tab the user Processes the Worksheet and results are transferred to the GL Budget module and viewable by the user.
Site Differences
There are multiple ways employees can be grouped/budgeted depending on your site. Power Users should be aware of how the site is configured.
Typically, there is an employee record for each position that an employee works within the organization. If a RN splits their job over four cost centres you will find four different records, though you may not have access to all of them depending on your security level. The system tries to treat all of these records as a single employee under the multiple deployment system. Under the multiple deployment system benefits will shift depending on an employee’s allocation in each position so you may find your budget changing as the employee is adjusted in other cost centres.
It is also possible to handle these split positions without the multiple deployment system. In this case, the system does not attempt to worry about maximums automatically. This can lead to an overstatement of benefits if the employee has been over-scheduled, especially for fixed benefits such as Dental/Semi. Your site may have additional options to control these benefit maximums, you will need to refer to your internal documentation for those.
The Worksheet Tab
The top grid contains the breakout by Employee Class Group. One important thing to note, if you see a worksheet has a Worksheet Profile of ‘Not Coded’ you will need to select the correct profile to assign. After assigning the profile, save the record and then use Options -> Process Worksheet to populate the worksheet.
The bottom grid contains two tabs. Salary Records lists employees attached to the worksheet, and Worksheet Transfer Summary gives you a total of budgeted values.
If you need to add employees, please see the help topic “A12a. Methodologies for creating vacant salary records”.
Filling Out the Schedule Tab
The Options -> Process Worksheet listed at the top of the schedule tab does not need to be run after every change and, in fact, is best to be run after completing all adjustments to a single worksheet. The Worksheet dropdown provides a quick way to move between worksheets without having to return to the A: Worksheet tab.
Entry Type (Filter) controls which sections are budgeted. We recommend using this to move from section to section as the views are usually tailored to only the columns you need for that section.
There are four primary sections.
Sequence Group A – Monday-Sunday
Monday to Sunday budgeting covers your shift requirements. There are multiple shift lines available. If shift requirements are entered in the Days 1-7 columns the system will assume you want a 1-week rotation. If entered into 8-14 it will assume you want a 2-week rotation. If you forgo the Days columns and enter just into the All Year column the system will treat FTEs as an annualized budget.
No matter how many shift lines are filled out, allocation to the worksheet’s staff occurs on a single line. Best practice is to use the first line, even if no requirements have been entered.
Allocation occurs on the bottom of the screen, in the Worksheet Item Allocations area.
If you have no staff to allocate to on the bottom and the allocations aren’t being handled by a different Worksheet Item, you will need to run a utility to create the allocation records. On the bottom, click Options and then select Add All Related Worksheet Salary Records As Item Allocations.
Once you have staff listed there are two options for allocated out FTE values – Custom FTE Allocation (also under Options), or manual entry.
With manual entry, you fill in the value into the FTEs column. Some sites have FTE Budget populated, which helps show when an employee exists in more than one position. Simple enter FTEs until your allocation matches the total FTEs of the Monday-Sunday lines.
Custom FTE Allocation is a utility to help allocate out large blocks of staff. In this utility, just enter the Desired FTE Allocation you want to be distributed over the available staff, make sure that your total allocation matches ‘Total FTEs’, and then hit Save. The system will distribute things automatically and evenly.
Sequence Group B – Annual
Annual entries are budgeted in the ‘All Year’ column. They can either represent hours, which are paid based on the employee’s hourly rate, or each, which is a generic unit that is configured out to dollars. Your site will have information on any odd annual amounts.
Amounts budgeted on annual lines are allocated based on the Allocation Type.
If the Allocation Type is not distributing correctly you may need to use the Allocation Type Override column to choose a different allocation. There are two manual Allocation Types. Manually Enter & Balance expects you to fill in the correct Hours or Each column on the Worksheet Item Allocation to match up the total on the upper grid. Percent – Manual expects you to fill in the Percent column to reach 100%.
Sequence Group C – Replacement
Replacement covers backfill values for various earnings that require coverage. Entitlement tells you how many hours would be budgeted at 100% replacement, and Hours tells you the actual number of adjusted hours. If you need to change this value either fill in the % Replace or the Override Amount. In general, these should only be altered if you are intentionally applying an applicable budget rule (eg: sick time for the department will only be replaced at 60%).
These values are allocated based on Allocation Type. Replacement is typically defined to allocate to part time records, so if you have no part time staff in the worksheet you will need to either add additional staff or change the Allocation Type Override.
Sequence Group D – Calculated
Calculated values are automatically calculated based on other budgeted values. In general, these are mandatory budget amounts based on the rest of the worksheet and should not be overridden.
Adding a new Worksheet Item
If a worksheet item is missing from your Schedule tab, adding it is simple. Use the ‘+’ sign on the top grid’s navigator bar to create a new line and select the relevant Worksheet Item from the cell’s lookup box.
The Salary Tab
The Salary Tab provides a listing of all employees attached to worksheet. The top grid contains the key information by employee. The Earnings tab contains the calculated earnings, usually included part time vacation-in-lieu as well. The Benefits tab contains the calculated benefits. Both Earnings and Benefits also contain columns showing how everything flows to each period. Transfer and Allocation lists the values successfully budgeted. Salary Grid provides a listing of the historical grids for the position.
The Hourly Rates tab is worth noting. It shows the hourly rate paid each pay period. Four rates are listed, each covering a different scenario based on the ‘Grid’ and ‘Step’ columns. If the employee is due to receive step and grid increases the relevant rate is the fourth line. The system uses these rates to calculate compensation inflation and increases due to raises.
Removing an Employee
Select the employee you want to remove on the C: Salary tab. Go into the Options menu.
If you select ‘Un-Link Selected Salary Records’ the employee will be removed but will still exist in the system if you need to recover the record.
If you select ‘Delete Selected Salary Record’ the employee will be deleted and cannot be recovered.
Attaching an Unlinked Record
When an employee record has been unlinked it can be attached to a worksheet. There are two rules to bear in mind when attaching an unlinked record.
First, the employee must have the same cost centre as the worksheet. This can be changed on the C: Salary tab. Secondly, the record’s employee class must be valid for the worksheet’s employee class group. This can also be changed on the employee record if necessary, but bear in mind this will end up changing things such as the assigned Salary Grid.
Start by selecting the worksheet you’d like to attach to on the A: Worksheet tab. Then, move to the C: Salary tab.
Change the filter to ‘Not Linked To Any Worksheet’.
Select the record you want to attach.
If necessary, change the Cost Centre and the Employee Class.
Go into the Options menu, and select ‘Link To Selected Worksheet’.
Suggested results: