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How to Create a new Distribution Code and Set Up Default Assignment

This document covers the manual creation of distribution codes. Distribution codes are controlled by the Distribution and Assignments module.


Creating a new Distribution Code

This takes place on the Distributions tab.


There are numerous lookup columns available but they have no impact on the matching or setup of the distribution code. Only the above four columns matter for configuration. Distribution Code is the actual name of the distribution, Description is the description. GL Period and Pay Period determine which periods take any remainder when the system distributes amounts.

Start by creating a record on the top grid and make sure you save using the check mark on the upper navigation bar. Then, proceed to the bottom grid for creation of the period percentages.

If the distribution code you’re creating is year-independent make sure “Applies To All Years” is selected. If the distribution code varies from year to year (eg: Days in Period, Stat Holiday, etc.) then you’ll want to select a specific year.

In cases where a distribution code exists for ‘Applies To All Years’ and specific years the system will prioritize the year-based match, defaulting to Applies To All Years if no specific match is found.

Period Type determines what you are editing. All distribution codes must, at minimum, have a General Ledger definition. If you intend to use it in the salary module you need to create a Pay Period definition as well.

After you’ve used the Period Type dropdown to select what you’re working on, click the “Bulk Add” button and the system will generate entries for each period.

Fill the weighting that you want in the Amount column. This doesn’t have to be a percentage – for example, if you are creating a distribution for Stat Holidays you would put the number of stats in each period into the Amount column. After entering the information, save and hit ‘Calculate Percentages’. The system will generate the weighting for you.

Assigning the Distribution – General Ledger Accounts

Once a distribution code has been created it can be assigned to GL accounts by heading into the B: GL Assignments tab.

GL accounts are assigned first by Secondary Account range and then by Cost Centre range.

The Sequence column determines the match priority – the system proceeds through all assignments potentially available and chooses the lowest Sequence value as the correct match. This means that a distribution code with a sequence of 9999 can be a broad range as a default and more precise ranges will take priority as long as they show up earlier in the table. The only exception to this logic is when a match has a range of exactly one Secondary Account and exactly one Cost Centre. This match will always be chosen, regardless of sequence.

Start by creating a new line in the top grid. Fill in the sequence number, description, and the range of Secondary Accounts it can apply to.

On the bottom grid, Sequence continues with the same logic as the top. You’ll need to fill in the Sequence, Description, choose the code from the Distribution Master, and then fill in the Cost Centre range. If you’re using capital projects you can also match on Job Code.

Save the record. Your assignment is complete. To apply them to the budget you’ll need to enter into Budget Manager -> GL Budget Utilities, and use the ‘Assign Distribution’ and ‘Calculate Distributions’ utilities on the first tab.

Assign the Distribution – Salary Accounts

Distribution in the Salary Module is assigned on the C: Salary Assignments tab.

Salary Assignments are prioritized by precision of match. Earning Benefit Type is mandatory, all other Lookups columns are optional. When you have more than one listing for the same earning benefit type the system will choose whatever line has the most Lookup columns matching.

The Bottom Grid controls the range assignment.

On the bottom tab you only need to fill in the Salary Budget Version and the Distribution Master. The various Ranges are only necessary if you need to refine your matches further.

Any changes made to the Salary Assignments will automatically take place after the next salary calculation. No other utilities are necessary.

Default Salary Distributions

When you add a new earning or benefit code the fastest way to add a default distribution to it is to use a salary utility.


On page 2 you’ll find the ‘Add Default Distributions’ utility.

Select the Fiscal Year and Budget Version you want to apply things to. Select the Distribution Code you want to apply. When you hit ‘Add Default Distributions’ the system will create a salary distribution assignment for every code that is missing an entry.