Benefit codes are created in the Earning Benefit Types code tables.
The code is defined on the top Earning Benefits Types grid.
Start by creating a new record on the top, using the ‘+’ button on the upper navigator bar.
In the Earning or Benefit Type column, choose ‘Benefit’.
Earning Benefit Group is not mandatory but can be helpful for reporting purposes.
Earning Benefit Code is where you enter the name for the new benefit.
Secondary Suffix should only be filled in if your site is using the column for secondary assignment purposes. If it is blank for other entries leave it blank.
Description is mandatory.
Calculation configuration is handled by the Benefit Detail grid on the bottom.
When you create a new record on the bottom grid you need to start by specifying the Salary Budget Version for the definition.
Lookups are used to set matching criteria. For example, if you have a benefit that has different rates for different employee organizations you’ll define a line in this grid for each contract. Likewise, a benefit rate that changes depending on the employee type will have a line created to filter/match on that criteria.
Value Type for a benefit will typically be Amount (dollars) or Each (generic unit rate).
Salary Process Type will typically be Fixed or Percentage.
Employee Organization is the only other mandatory Lookup. If the line is being created as a default or if the calculation doesn’t depend on contract choose ‘NOTCODED’ as the organization.
All other lookups are available for more precise matching to employees and should not be filled in unless needed.
Of note is this ‘Earning Benefit Accumulator Group’ column. If your benefit is a percentage calculation/derives its amount from other earnings or benefits then you will need to pick an accumulator group from the list.
Calc Formula holds the calculation for the benefit. Double-clicking on the cell will bring up the formula editor. We recommend using an existing benefit and copy/pasting the formula in as a basis for your own custom formulas.
The other Details columns provide an easy entry/edit place for components of the formula. They technically do not have a fixed meaning, how they are used depends entirely on the definition of the formula.
Only fill in Secondary End if your site is using it for all earnings and benefits.
After the calculation details are defined, proceed to the AB: Counts Towards tab.
Any accumulator groups listed here will have the result of the benefit calculation accumulated. Typically, benefits do not contribute to accumulator groups. It is important to never have a benefit contribute to the same accumulator group that it uses for calculation; this is known as a circular reference and it will end up inflating the calculation for all benefits that use the same accumulator group, up to their mathematical limit. Instead of creating a circular reference create a new accumulator group instead that is specific to this benefit and calculate on that instead.
After Counts Towards is configured, proceed to AC: Assignment.
If your site uses Secondary Suffix/Secondary End and the class Secondary Prefix nothing needs to be done in this tab. Most sites will need to specify the secondary account by Production Type.
Set the Budget Version, Production Type, and Secondary Account. All other columns are only used if a more precise match is required.
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