Application Server – Runs Windows Services and IIS
Hardware Specifications
- Windows Server 2016 or higher
- Typically recommend 4 vCPUs on a standard setup for the application server.
- 8 GB RAM Recommended for small to medium sized sites
- 16 GB+ RAM Recommended for larger sites
- At least 50 GB of hard drive space available
- This include space for:
- WSI database backups when doing upgrades
- Folder for database import files (Varies by site)
- WSI folder for services, upgrade files/scripts, various utilities
Software Required To Run WSI Services- IIS (for hosting Click-Once installer and help documentation)
- .NET Framework 4.8
IIS Requirements- IIS (basic install) is required to host the Click-Once installer for the client
- IIS with MVC 4 support is required to run the Web App