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List of Controls for Audit Team

**wss 12/1/22  ???DH 12/2/22


  • Audit fields on every table. Add User and date, change user and date.
  • Asset master records cannot be deleted. Record can be tagged as Inactive to exclude the records from a report.  There is also a setting for depreciation to be active or not, given some records are fully depreciated or some haven’t started being depreciated yet.
  • Cost and any transactions impacting that asset (other than initial purchase) are performed the asset detail tab to provide full audit trail of financial and other status changes. This includes:
    1. COST_ADJ – Cost Adjustments
    2. COST_RECLASS – Cost Reclassifications
    3. UPGRADE – Upgrade transactions invoke dual depreciation schedules in the year the upgrade occurred, given one set prior to upgrade, another with modified price and expected life of asset.
    4. DISPOSED, SOLD. Loss or gain calculated and retained in master record and by fiscal year summary.
    5. Optional: Other transactions to facilitate BF (Bring forward) for asset management are available for service reminders, tracking of service activity, cost and notes to be shared with other system users.
  • Frozen GL periods – depreciation
    1. The system parameters are controlled by system power users
    2. Parameter: cam_depr_frozen_fyp_poa defines which period (ie 202206) has been frozen to any period prior and including stated period, cannot be modified by the module.
    3. Any adjustments to depreciation that would normally be applied to a frozen period or earlier, will be made to the next period (frozen period + 1)
  • Meditech Exports
    1. Two files are generated by on parameter cam_depr_export_fyp_poa which is typically frozen period + 1. (Whatever user requests)
    2. One is in excel format, the other in meditech text format (2 lines per transaction)
    3. User can easily review the excel format or pull additional crosstab reports to review or validate data, drill-down to detail as required. Once signed off, the text file can be uploaded.
  • User can validate that all cost reclasses are in balance
  • User can pull summaries of any activity type during a certain period or fiscal year.
  • Data can be viewed, filtered, grouped in:
    1. Crosstab
    2. View Source Data
    3. Report Writer (optional)
  • Reports: overall
    1. One report each for main six (6) tables described in overview.
    2. Views source data (detailed)
      1. Master
      2. Asset Detail
    3. Annual Summary of cost & depreciation
    4. Procurement