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Monthly Workflow Process MH

**wss 12/2/22  ???DH 12/2/22

Documented for MH by DH 12/2/22

This workflow is intended to show the common activities in Capital Asset management.  It assumes you are using the Yearly opening balance table approach and opening balances have been verified. 

A very brief overview:

  • Freeze period where depreciation processed / signed off.
  • Make changes to header records and/or transaction types to impact cost or depreciation for current period
  • Run depreciation and review, reports, exports for that period.
    1. Then set accumulated depreciation to specific period signed off
  • Once ready to sign off, freeze this new period.
  • Start working on next period as appropriate.


More details on these activities and how work would flow.

  • Ensure frozen depreciation period is set correctly. (March 31, 2022 for example)
    1. Data Management, System Parameters, code: “cam_depr_frozen_fyp_poa”
      1. 202203 ensures that period and prior are frozen.
  • At start-up, we are working to generate depreciation for April 2022, POA 202204.
    1. Ensure new assets have been added that impact 202204 but nothing in the future of that period.
    2. Use the asset details to add transactions that occur during the month that impact either cost or depreciation such as:
      1. COST_ADJ – Cost Adjustment to typically increase purchase amount as some costs do not show up until later. Set the transaction date to align with purchase date.  Adjustment amount with be added to the header under adjustments and used for the next depreciation calculation.
        1. Note: Version 1700 will automatically refresh the header as there is a database trigger that sets the adjusted amount field in the header record.  Previous versions, please use the refresh button to obtain the latest data from this transaction type.
      2. SOLD or DISPOSED. If asset is sold, depreciation last period will be when asset was sold or disposed.  DISPOSED assumes 0 revenue received.
      3. REPLACED, NO_LONGER_REQUIRED. Book value should be at zero, record typically set to inactive but retained for historical purposes.
      4. UPGRADE. Special process changing depreciation amount effective month of upgrade, essentially setting up another schedule and a new expected end of life for the asset.  Unlike COST_ADJ, the depreciation changes from that point forward vs treating it like a purchase price change.
      5. PURCHASE. Although the amount is usually already in the header, enter this transaction type to ensure we have full audit trail of transactions when creating the fiscal year summary.


  1. Other transaction types
    1. INFO. You can make a note of something without impacting cost so team members can also be aware.
    2. Other transaction type codes. Will not list them all as not all sites will be using the maintenance and so on but essentially, these transaction types are meant to trigger events including bring forward dates or retire an asset.
  • Once the data for month to be calculated is entered, you can calculate depreciation
    1. Capital Asset Management
      1. Capital Asset Utilities
        1. Calculate Depreciation
          1. The year to calculate is noted, so in this case, it would be Fiscal 2022-2023.
        2. Review depreciation result from view source data, crosstab or exports. Review specifically assets where you know you made changes that would impact current period deprecation to ensure desired results.
      2. Once you are satisfied with the results, you can run the second utility call “Update Asset master accumulated depreciation” to current period (202204 for example). The header then reflects the deprecation to that point in time, also adjusting the book value.
      3. The third utility “Update Asset Cost Depreciation Yearly Calculation” is typically only run close to year end so you can review summary data before closing the year.  The utility uses prior year opening balances (if any), integrates all transactions that impact cost and depreciation and summaries data to a single line for that asset for the fiscal year.
  • Freeze period once reports & exports completed as required. Start work on next period.
  • When the GL period data is ready for Meditech export, two files are prepared. Please ensure you set cam_depr_export_fyp_poa, (typically one period after frozen period) system parameter to correct month before running the batch.  One export is in excel format to review. and the other in meditech text (2 lines per transaction) is produced.  This is a summarized (grouped) report.  If you require more detail, please use the Crosstab to view data at desired level against the Asset depreciation table (by Fiscal year, GL period)