Worldsoft Documentation Search

Release Notes

Release Executive Summary

Version adds several enhancements and bug fixes to the release.

Release Date: May 11, 2021

Last Updated: May 17, 2021

Bug Fixes

  1. User Cross Tab – Client Mode
    • When creating a new lookup group the field will now have an icon assigned right away and be visible to the column customize tab without refreshing the column first.
  2. Salary Master
    • Tweaked the A Tab on the Salary Master page so that the salary master grids’ lookups are refreshed properly when adding vacancies
  3. Utility Page Framework
    • Fixed a bug with Radio button parameters not passing the value correctly to the procedure in some cases
    • Fixed an issue with some multi-select lookups throwing a cannot pass null error when it’s optional and not being set
    • Fixed a minor issue where some BIT parameters were not being handled correctly (checkbox parameters)


  1. Account Mapping
    • Created a new page that allows for account mapping
      • Intended use for Project Costing and Job Cost reporting
      • eg1: Map Cost Centre, Secondary to Target Job Cost and Target Project
      • eg2: Map Cost Centre, Employee Class Type to Target Job Cost and Target Project
      • Supports all source chart fields along with reason code if expanded to budgeting area
  2. Capital Assets
    • Added a new detail table for the Asset Master called: Asset Cost Depreciation Calculations
    • Asset Master has several new columns
  3. Code Tables
    • Added a Target MIS column to the following code tables:
      • Production Types
      • Employee Class Types
      • Employee Types
      • Earning Benefit Types
    • New Code Tables:
      • Broader Public Sector Types
      • Statistics Canada Types
  4. Reports
    • The Run Reports page now has an expanded notes section and notes can now be assigned to a specific set of lookups such as cost centre, secondary, etc.
    • Reports now have the ability to store/manage notes at the detail level.  Reports can now also create links (URLS) that open the manage report notes on the web (for customers who are running the Web project).
  5. GL Budget
    • Exposed the “Detail Amounts” band and the “Amount 1” column on the Manager grid (salary tab)
    • Added a new option for Version Notes.  Version notes are general notes that are tied to the budget version and other optional keys such as Cost Centre, Secondary Account, and Job Cost.
  6. Build Budget
    • Added budget driver as a parameter on the following sections:
      • Payroll Actual
      • Payroll Budget
      • Line Items (GL Budget Prepare)
  7. Reports
    • New Reports:
      • GL Budget Project
  8. View Source Data
    • New Page:
      • Asset Cost Depreciation Calculations
      • GL Budget Project
  9. GL Account Mapping
    • Added Budget Version Mapping Adjustments (B Tab)
    • Added Budget To Schedule Mapping Adjustments (C Tab)
  10. Project Budget
    • Added a new utility called “Set Budget Project Line Distribution”.  This can automatically set the detail amounts based on the Job Cost Start/End date, amount specified, and number of inflation years specified.
  11. New User Formulas
    • udf_worksheet_staff_count_by_rollover_flag – Returns new salary records count for the worksheet
      • Example: udf_worksheet_staff_count_by_rollover_flag([wksh_id], ‘N’)
      • Note: The first parameter is the the Worksheet ID.  The second parameter is the Rollover Status Flag (Example would be the “N” character)