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Release Notes

Release Executive Summary

Version adds minor enhancements and bug fixes to the release.

Release Date: June 13, 2021

Last Updated: December 15, 2021

Known Issues With This Release

  1. Framework – Security
    • If a power user/site admin setup both visible and edit object level security on the same object it was not working/not setting both.  Fixed in
    • Read-only columns set up via object level security will now show up in the proper yellowish color. Fixed in
  2. Manage Notes Pages and Dialogs
    • File attachments that were blank cause errors when trying to save/open them.  Fixed in
  3. Cube Viewer – Sandbox
    • Save preset is not working.  Fixed in
  4. GL Budget
    • Default sort for the manager grids was not exactly correct.  Should be version, account info, and then line item number.  Fixed in
  5. Installer
    • New Client Setup
      • On first launch of the client, if the roaming profile is not writable (not common) then a non so helpful error happens and the client cannot be launched.  Causes confusion as it doesn’t explain why it fails to start.  Fixed in
    • Citrix Installer
      • Not easy to run multiple versions on the same server as the installer defaults to upgrading the previous client install – Fixed in
  6. Code Tables
    • Budget Version and Salary Budget Version – Attaching more than one RTF note to the same version will cause an error when coming back to the code table grid because the RTF preview was expecting only one RTF record per version.  Fixed in
    • Earning Benefit Type – Salary Formula Dialog – Very slow to load if the salary master drop down has lots of records.  Fixed in
    • Secondary Accounts – Statistics column logic currently uses 310, 350, 380, and 390 logic.  Should be 31, 35, 38, and 39.  Fixed in
  7. View Source Data
    • Load Preset – Clears previous formatting conditions.  Fixed in
    • The GL Actual and Project Detail double click event to handle attachments and drill downs are causing issues (only if attachment exists).  Fixed in
  8. Capital Assets
    • Asset Master delete should not be available.  Fixed in
  9. Filter Control
    • Default values not always being set correctly.  Fixed in
  10. User Cross Tab – Client Mode
    • The GL and Payroll/Actual budget trees are not drilling down correctly…showing incorrect results.  Fixed in
    • Loading a preset can sometimes cause the app to freeze.  Fixed in
  11. Reports
    • The report for Payroll Budget Trees is incorrectly showing Cost Centre and Secondary trees when it should be showing Cost Centre, Employee Class, and Earning Benefit trees.  Fixed in
  12. Salary Budget – Salary Master Tab
    • Main grid save not working.  Fixed in
  13. Reporting Tables (Materialized Tables)
    • The Payroll Actual/Budget Summaries are reporting incorrect values in the year to date stored calculated fields.  Fixed in 
  14. Dark Themes
    • Fixed the issue where read-only fields were not changing the font color and you cannot read the values in those yellow background cells since the font color on dark themes are typically white.  Fixed in
  15. Report Writer
    • Fixed a sub-report issue where the “byte” (very small integer) data-type wasn’t being properly registered for use.  Typically used for GL and Pay Period variables.  Fixed in

Bug Fixes

  1. Report Writer
    • When using the new report option (not cloning) the report template used had it’s main band variables renamed to simple letters accidentally.  This was causing some confusion as a ReportHeader for example may have been called “a” and Report Footer may have been called “d”.  This version fixes this by ensuring that the report template for new reports are not going to be using our automated renamed names/variables which is intended to protect the ESM code from reverse engineering.  This is simply a fix for the optics of the report designer since the problem didn’t cause any real issues.


  1. Row-Level Security
    • Added enhanced row-level security for Budget Version (bver_id) and Salary Budget Version (sver_id) records.  In the code tables screens for budget version and salary budget version when you set the column for “security level” (not edit security level) this is when this enhanced security takes effect.  So if you setup a particular version for example that can only be seen by power users or administrators, then a manager who requests data on the view sourced data or user cross tabs screen (as an example) for a fiscal year that includes that particular version will not see any of that protected versions’ data.
  2. Report Writer
    • Created an option for editing the data source for a report.  Meaning you could clone a report and then change the underlying data-source (which view it uses) in the report to a different view.  After doing this the report presets may need to be updated.  Also any reference within the report itself that references to columns that do not exist in the new data source will also need to be fixed to point to a valid column/expression
    • Created two new report WSI custom functions:
      • SafeDivide – Allows for easily dividing two numbers/columns/expressions and handling division by 0 by returning null by checking if the second number is 0 (prevents needing to catch the division by 0 error)
        • Example: SafeDivide([x], [y])
        • Old Example: Iif([y] is null or [y] = 0, null, [x] / [y])
      • ImageHelperCompareValue – Useful function for comparing a summary value/column/expression with a set of numbers and returning different images for each “range” that has been specified.  This helps to simplify complex Iif statements that would have been needed in previous versions.  Will resolve much faster in cases when using group expression where they are resolve each time instead of onced and “cached” like the new expression.  This can speed up processing time for complex reports.
        • Example: ImageHelperCompareValue(‘<‘, [calc], ”, [Images.good], -0.08, [Images.danger], -0.03, [Images.caution])
        • Old Example: Iif(IsEmpty([calc]), ”, [calc] = 0, [calc] < -0.08, [Images.danger], [calc] < -0.03, [Images.caution], [Images.good])
  3. Process Scheduler
    • For many of the procedures that are scheduled on the process scheduler, the dialog box that showed these parameter (when editing the command parameters) are now going to be controlled by the same framework that the utilities use.  This means that the layout, parameter types, validation etc. are all going to be database controlled for all of the simplistic dialogs.  This will match the same process as the bulk of the normal utility screens.  The benefit to this is it will be much easier to maintain the parameters and fix mistakes without creating a new client build.  Also the validation is now enhanced and should give users more input if there are missing required parameters, etc.