Worldsoft Documentation Search

Release Notes

Release Executive Summary

Version adds minor enhancements and bug fixes to the release.

Release Date: May 18, 2022

Last Updated: May 19, 2022

Bug Fixes

  1. Landing Page
    • Omitted the “SICKATTEND” source code type when calculating summaries and drill downs as this would overstate the hours at some sites
  2. Event Logging
    • Drill down queries were failing to be logged
  3. Cube Management
    • Error was coming up at some sites where the captions were not always available
  4. User Cross Tab
    • Was missing a drill down handler for the Payroll Actual/Budget Sick Overtime Summary view
  5. Run Reports
    • Fixed a bug where the print button was throwing an error on the report preview dialog box
  6. Process Scheduler
    • Fixed the dialog box for the command parameters as many of the OK/Close dialogs were cutting off the buttons and often the only way of seeing them was to expand the size of the dialog box.
    • Removed the hard-coded parameter logic that was causing issues with procedures that were changing.  This affected two schedule job types:
      • Asset depreciation
      • Add GL missing


  1. Landing Page
    • Change parameters to support either PP or GL period for payroll
    • Added percent variance columns
  2. Event Logging
    • Enhanced the event logging process to be more flexible and shows more detail.  Now there is a SQL tab to explain what the user ran instead of hiding it from the user like before.  This will be visible for things like reporting on the user cross tabs, view source data, etc.  Shows important things user requested from the system.
  3. Overhead Distribution
    • New page added to the Activity Costing section of
    • Support custom statistic distribution such as SEAM (Simultaneous Equation Allocation Method)
      • SEAM processes are already part of the a reclass process (Transient functional centres to absorbing cost centres)
  4. BI Score Card Details page
    • Added several new columns/bands to the BI Score Card Details page
    • Added the four month and yearly average calculations (stored in the table)
  5. GL Budget
    • Moved some hard-coded calculations in the client that were incorrect and moved the fixed version to a database trigger to deal with changes better between the client/web.  This includes the fix for the product of units and unit amount.  The Calc Amount 1 column (user field) is now the target of the calculation instead of the Calc Base Amount field which is a protected field.
  6. Trial Balance Audit
    1. Added stage filter so can run dependencies first (ie 3a before 3b, 3c)
  7. PAC Rules and Audit
    • Added Location and Main Intervention code tables and link to all main clinical and PAC tables
    • New columns on the PAC Rules and Auditing page
    • On the audit grid, made the nav bar edit buttons invisible as the grid is readonly (gave the impression that it was editable)
    • PAC rule categories and initial set of PAC rules available
  8. Code Tables
    • New Pages:
      • Intervention Location
      • Main Intervention Type
  9. Run Reports
    • Added the security level and edit security level for the presets
  10. Reports
    • New Views:
      • GL Actual/Budget Summary – Cost Centre and Secondary Super Trees (Report Writer)
    • Views with new columns
      • Admission Discharge Services
      • Scorecard Data Detail
      • Worksheet Item Earning Allocations
  11. User Cross Tab
    • New Views
      • Payroll Actual/Budget Employee Summary Default Trees
      • Payroll Actual/Budget Summary by GL Period (the original view is by Pay Period)
      • Payroll Actual/Budget No Tree Summary by GL Period (the original view is by Pay Period)
      • Payroll Actual/Budget Sick/Overtime Summary by GL Period (the original view is by Pay Period)
      • Payroll Actual/Budget Summary Trees by GL Period (the original view is by Pay Period)
    • Views with new columns:
      • Admission Discharge Services
      • CACS
      • GL Budget Prepare (Line Items)
      • HBAM Inpatient Group
      • Patient Episode Cost
      • Patient Episode Cost Centre Summary
      • Patient Episode Cost Summary
      • Patient Episode Detail
      • Patient Intake
      • Patient Services
      • Payroll Budget
      • Payroll Budget Default Trees
      • Product Utilization
      • Salary master linked views now supports position number and position title
      • Scorecard Data Detail
      • Worksheet Item Earning Allocations
  12. View Source Data
    • View with additional columns:
      • Admission Discharge Services
      • CACS
      • HBAM Inpatient Group
      • Patient Episode Cost
      • Patient Episode Cost Centre Summary
      • Patient Episode Cost Summary
      • Patient Episode Detail
      • Patient Intake
      • Patient Services
      • Product Utilization
      • Scorecard Data Detail
      • Worksheet Item Earning Allocations
  13. Notable Procedure Changes
    1. Set Fiscal POA Earned Hours – Now has a new calculation method called 1820, four (4) options now available
    2. Some of the materialized table refreshes have been enhanced to run faster and run in a more efficient way