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Release Notes

Release Executive Summary

Version adds minor bug fixes to the release.  This is a client-only fix for (no server or database changes).

Release Date: March 23, 2023

Last Updated: March 23, 2023

Bug Fixes

  1. Salary Budget
    • On load shows an error message that says the loading dialog is already running (wait form).
      • This appears to only happen on French and possibly other non-English Windows computers.  This didn’t prevent the screen from loading and was not a serious issue but was annoying.
  2. Cube Management
    • Fixed the options button on the table range grid as it was missing the modify range after being moved from a panel above the grid.  This was done to save space and a minor typo resulted in this option button not showing up.
  3. View Source Data
    • Asset Cost Depreciation Calculations
      • Asset Master was showing only as a number but not a lookup.  An additional lookup column is now visible to show the asset master lookup and not just the ID.
  4. Process Scheduler
    • When adding procedures/utilities to run the mandatory hidden parameters were not being saved to the connection string.  This caused jobs like the build cube to not working if it was added in the release.  Only affected some jobs.
  5. Framework
    • Multi-Select Drop Downs
      • On Windows setups where the monitor is not scaled (typical older monitors with 100% scaling) – The default height of the drop down would often be very short and wouldn’t allow you to see much of the drop down data.  This has been corrected so it now shows a number of lines both on scaled (high resolution and/or scaled monitors) and regular screens.