Last Updated: April 25, 2023
- Login
- Added “Windows Integrated Authentication” as a login option for the client. This means client computers that are signed in with a domain user will now have the ability to sign in without typing in a user or password as it will authenticate to the server using the currently logged in Windows user.
- Project Budget (including capital)
- Interface for View/Update more flexible
- Search by Fiscal year, with optional additional parameters including Cost Centre, Project, Job Cost (all chart fields supported)
- Fiscal Year searches both the Project start, and any year that is budgeted in project detail. (Project can have started in prior years)
- Interface for View/Update more flexible
- Salary budgeting
- Added Employee Organization Group table
- Can code earnings or benefits to match by group versus employee Org detail
- All reports have integrated the Employee Org Group (higher level) reporting
- Added Employee Organization Group table
- Reports
- Two new report functions:
- GetPayPeriodEarnedHours (Pay Period based)
- Nearly identical to the report function: GetPeriodEarnedHours (GL based function)
- Syntax: GetPayPeriodEarnedHours(14, 5, 1) Returns 75
- Gets the earned hours for the fiscal year, pay period, and entity (optional…default value is 1 for not-coded). The resulting value is for the single period.
- GetPayPeriodYTDEarnedHours (Pay Period based)
- Nearly identical to the report function: GetPeriodYTDEarnedHours (GL based function)
- Syntax: GetPayPeriodYTDEarnedHours(fy_id, pay_period, ent_id) returns the YTD earned hours
- Gets the cumulative earned hours for the fiscal year, pay period, and entity (optional…default value is 1 for not-coded). The resulting value is from pay Period 1 through to the requested period.Inventory Detail
- GetPayPeriodEarnedHours (Pay Period based)
- Two new report functions:
- Cost Centre elements (tree security)
- Site using elements can now utilize the automated tree for their cost centre nodes security for staff.
- When Cost Centre tree elements is rebuilt
- The nodes store the elements in the system user table.
- The tree is rebuilt
- The cost centre nodes are restored from the elements stored prior to rebuild
- Inventory Detail
- Text field expanded to 30 characters versus 20