This module handles the creation of template-based fixed reports through a WYSIWYG report editor. Use fixed reports when you have specific visual layouts in mind or you need to add in additional elements to the reports being sent out, such as a signature block. Reports can also call sub-reports, allowing for reporting on varying data sources that all contain a common account element.
Tab – Report Writer
Refresh | Refresh the data and lookups in the module. |
Clone Report | Duplicate the currently selected report. This copies the report configuration but not any associated presets in the Report Writer. |
Edit Report | Launches the editor for the currently selected report. |
New Report | Launches the New Report window, which creates a new entry from one of the available templates. |
New Report Window
Report Title | Title that will display at the top of the report; this can be changed in the report editor. |
Report Category | Selects the Category that the report will appear in. This does not affect template selection. |
Table Template | Contains a listing of all available data templates. Each individual report is built around a single template. |
Available Templates
Admissions, Discharge, or Services | Report on the admissions, discharge, and services tables from our patient abstract tables. |
Asset Detail | Detail level reports from the Asset Manager module. |
Asset Master | Master table reports from the Asset Manager module. |
Asset Procurement | Procurement details from the Asset Manager module. |
BI Scorecard Detail | Detailed report on Executive Knowledge Manager dynamic indicators. |
Billings Accounts Receivable Detail | Reports on data in the Billings Accounts Receivable tables. |
Budget Activity Allocated Status | Reports on current status from the Budget Activity module. |
Budget Documents & Notes | A high-level view that looks at all documents and notes across the entire budget. |
Cost Centre Code Table | A report on the Cost Centre table. |
Cube Notes | A high-level view that looks at all documents and notes across all cubes. |
Dashboard/Scorecard Notes | A high-level view that looks at all documents and notes across the scorecards and dashboards. |
Employee Class Types | A report on the Employee Class table. |
General Ledger Actual | Reports on the ESM General Ledger Actual table. |
General Ledger Actual & Budget Summary | Comparison report between the ESM General Ledger Actual and ESM General Ledger Budget tables. |
General Ledger Actual & Budget Summary with Cost Centre & Secondary Trees | Comparison report between the ESM General Ledger Actual and ESM General Ledger Budget tables, integrated with the Cost Centre and Secondary trees. |
General Ledger Actual with Trees | Reports on the ESM General Ledger Actual table, integrated with the Cost Centre and Secondary trees. |
General Ledger Budget | Reports on the ESM General Ledger Budget table. |
General Ledger Budget with Trees | Reports on the ESM General Ledger Budget table, integrated with the Cost Centre and Secondary trees. |
General Notes and Attachments | A high-level view on notes and attachments. |
GL Budget Prepare Detail | Reports on the Budman General Ledger table. Useful for GL and Salary budget data. |
GL Budget Prepare Super Tree Summary | Reports on the Budman General Ledger table. Useful for GL and Salary budget data. Integrated with the Super Tree. |
GL Budget Prepare Tree Summary | Reports on the Budman General Ledger table. Useful for GL and Salary budget data. Integrated with the Cost Centre and Secondary trees. |
GL Cube Cost Centre Secondary No Trees | Reports on Cube 1101, does not require reporting trees. |
GL Cube with Cost Centre Default View | Reports on the default view from Cube 1101. |
GL Cube with Secondary Default View (2101) | Reports on the default view from Cube 2101. |
GL Trends | Reports on Cube 1102. |
GL with EmpClass EarnBenefit | Reports on Cube 1114. |
Grouped General Ledger Detail | Reports at a high level on the ESM General Ledger Actual table. |
Grouped Inventory Actuals | Reports at a high level on the ESM Inventory table. |
Grouped Payroll Actuals | Reports at a high level on the ESM Payroll Actual table. |
Inventory Actual | Reports at a detail level on the ESM Inventory table. |
Inventory Actual with Trees | Reports at a detail level on the ESM Inventory table, integrated with trees. |
Inventory Cube | Reports on Cube 1105. |
OCDM Trial Balance | Reports on the OCDM Trial Balance table. |
PAC Actuals | Reports on PAC’s Actual table. |
Patient Episode Detail | Reports on PAC’s Episode Detail. |
Payroll Actual | Reports on the ESM Payroll Actual table. |
Payroll Actual with Trees | Reports on the ESM Payroll Actual table. Integrated with Cost Centre, Employee Class, and Earning/Benefit Trees. |
Payroll Budget | Reports on the ESM Payroll Budget table. |
Payroll Budget with Trees | Reports on the ESM Payroll Budget table. Integrated with Cost Centre, Employee Class, and Earning/Benefit Trees. |
Payroll Specialized | Reports on Cube 1220. |
Project Detail | Reports on the Project Detail table. |
Project Detail with GL Trees | Reports on the Project Detail table, integrated with trees. |
Salary Budget Prepare Distribution Detail | Reports on the Budman General Ledger table, including full periods distribution of budget amounts. |
Salary Cube | Reports on Cube 1215. |
Salary Cube – Employee | Reports on Cube 1210. |
Salary Grid Types | Reports on the Salary Grid code table. |
Salary Master | Reports on the Salary Master table. |
Salary Payroll Trends | Reports on Cube 1202. |
Score Card Indicator No Division | Reports on Cube 1121. |
Score Card Indicator with Division | Reports on Cube 1120. |
Secondary | Reports on the Secondary Account code table. |
Statistics | Reports on the Budman Statistics table. |
User Cost Centre Security | Reports on the User Security table, includes assigned cost centre ranges. |
Voucher | Reports on the Voucher database. |
Worksheet Items and Allocations | Reports on the Budman Salary module’s Schedule tab. |
Grid – Report Writer
The report writer grid contains a listing of all reports created in the system. Any report that is, by default, read only is an example report from GoWSI.
Grid columns are as follows:
Title | Title of the report. This only auto-populates the report title upon report creation, any future changes are not auto-updated. |
Category | Category of the report. This value does not change anything about the report itself. |
Table | The underlying data view for the report. This cannot be changed and is set at report creation. |
Security Level | If set, only users with at least the selected security level will be able to run the report. |
Active | If yes, the report will be displayed as available in the report writer. |
Is Readonly? | If checked, no edits can be made to the report. |
Is Public? | If checked, any user that meets security requirements will be able to view and run the report. If unchecked the report becomes only available to the creator. |
Is Sub-Report Only? | If checked, the report will not be available to run directly and can only be called as a sub-report from another report. |
Report Editor
1 – Menu Ribbon | Contains menu option and certain layout/component configuration options. |
2 – Toolbox | Contains a listing of all components that can be added to report itself. |
3 – Work Page | Layout of report components and visual editing of their contents occurs here. |
4 – Contents Panel | This contains a listing of all components active in the report and all data fields available for use, split over two tabs. |
5 – Properties Panel | When a component is selected this section changes to expose all available properties and configuration options. |
6 – Sort/Group Panel | The sort and group panel is used for summary/detail levels in the reports. |
Menu Ribbon
Tooltips are available for all menu options.
Report | Save saves the current report window. Save All saves all open reports in the designer. |
Data | Add Calculated Field creates a new formula field. Add Parameter adds a new parameter to the report. Add User Preset Parameters is a specialized type of parameter that can be set and saved to a Run Report Preset. |
Font | Controls the default font settings for any new components if nothing is selected or the font settings for the currently selected components. |
Alignment | Controls the default text alignment for any new components if nothing is selected or the alignment settings for the currently selected components. |
Borders | Controls the default borders for any new components if nothing is selected or the border settings for the currently selected components. |
Styles | If styles are available/in use this can be used to extract or set the style for a component. |
User Preset Parameter Popup
Is Lookup | If checked, the parameter will be treated as a lookup value (an ID number that resolves to a record). |
Lookup Table | The table that is used to resolve the ID number. |
Name Prefix | The automatic name prefix given to the parameter. |
Name | The unique name portion of the parameter. |
Description | Description of the parameter’s purpose. |
Allow Null | If checked, the system will run without a value entered. |
Value | The default value for the parameter. |
Alignment | This panel enables if multiple components are selected and controls vertical and horizontal alignment. |
Layout | Controls grid alignment, bounds, horizontal and vertical spacing, and common width/size among selected components. |
Margins | Controls the empty space around the report contents. |
Orientation | Determines whether the page operates in Portrait or Landscape mode. |
Size | Controls the paper size. |
Page Color | Changes the color of the paper. |
Watermark | Allows for the creation of a custom watermark for all pages of the report. |
Show | Toggles visibility of various visual helpers on the report. |
Zoom | Provides an alternate way of handling current zoom values. |
Windows | Toggles visibility of various panels/windows in the report designer. |
URL Filter Helper | Used to help create a URL for integrated web reporting with Executive Knowledge Manager. |
Other Buttons
Designer | Toggles the editor to Report Designer mode. |
Preview | Toggled the editor to Report Preview mode. |
Components can typically be dragged from the toolbox onto the work page or selected and then placed through a left click. Components typically contain either fixed values or expression/field based assignments.
Pointer – when this is highlighted you are able to select and manipulate components already placed. | |
Creates a label text box. | |
Creates a check box component. | |
Creates a rich text component. For more details on Rich Text formatting/markups please see: | |
Creates a picture box. | |
Creates a panel. Panels are useful as they can contain other components and keep them grouped. | |
Creates a table component. A table is basically a self-maintaining panel that contains a grouping of label boxes. It is more convenient to create multiple report fields within a table than by using individuals labels. | |
Creates a panel where each individual character of the displayed text is separated into its own cell. | |
Line tool. | |
Shape tool. | |
Creates an auto-formatting bar code with multiple options of encoding. | |
Creates a chart to be inserted into the report. Has its own editor that is called when initially inserted. | |
Creates a crosstab. Crosstabs are a semi-automated group and chart component. | |
Creates a gauge component. | |
Creates a sparkline component. | |
Creates a sub-report line. The sub-report is a reference to another already created report and only handles data commonalities between the two. | |
Creates a table of contents for the report. | |
Creates a page info component. | |
Creates a page break component. This is only necessary where page breaks must occur within a single band, page break settings are available on band configuration. | |
Creates a cross-band line. | |
Creates a cross-band box. |
Work Page
The work page holds the visual components in use for the report. The page is divided into sections based on the group/sorts chosen for the report. There are also various additional headers and footers available and creatable.
Manipulating components is as simple as selecting them. Most components have a greater than sign that allows for editing of the most relevant properties.
The popup menu when right clicking on a component will change depending on the selected component, but the following options are typical:
Bring to Front | When components are overlapping this option will cause this component to be rendered in front of all other components. |
Send to Back | When components are overlapping this option will cause this component to be rendered behind all other components. |
Align to Grid | Realigns the position of the component to the current grid definition. |
Fit Text To Bounds | Increases the font size to the maximum that can be displayed within the current component. |
Fit Bounds To Text | Shrinks the component so that its bounds do not exceed its current contents. |
Cut | Cuts the component to the clipboard. |
Copy | Copies the component to the clipboard. |
Paste | Pastes the component on the screen into the currently selected band. |
Delete | Deletes the component from the screen. |
Zoom | Changes the zoom value of the Work Page. |
Add To Gallery | Will add the current component to the gallery, allowing it to be quickly selected for reuse. |
Properties | Redundant, sets the current component to be the selected component in the Properties panel. |
The popup menu when selecting the work page itself is as follows:
Design in Report Wizard | This launches the report design wizard, a tool that offers a step by step creation guide for creating a new report. |
Edit and Reorder Bands | This launches a popup that provides an easy to manipulate listing of all bands in the report. |
Edit Bindings | Provides a listing of every component on the report that is bound to a field/formula. This can provide a convenient editing method when you know what you need to change without needing to know where the value appears on the report. |
Paste | Pastes the component present in the clipboard. |
Expand All Bands | Expands all bands in the Work Page. |
Collapse All Bands | Collapses all bands in the Work Page. |
TopMargin | The Top Margin appears at the top of every page. |
ReportHeader | The Report Header appears once on the first page. |
PageHeader | The Page Header appears at the top of every page. |
GroupHeader | A Group Header appears at the beginning of a sort/group value. We recommend using the Sort/Group Panel rather than this insert. |
Detail | The Detail Panel is the lowest level of the report and can only display individual source lines. |
GroupFooter | A Group Footer appears at the end of a sort/group value. We recommend using the Sort/Group Panel rather than this insert. |
ReportFooter | The Report Footer appears at the end of the report. It will typically be used for grand totals. |
PageFooter | The Page Footer appears at the end of every page. |
BottomMargin | The Bottom Margin appears at the bottom of every page. |
VerticalHeader | This creates a vertical Header within the selected band. |
VerticalDetail | This creates a vertical Detail within the selected band. |
VerticalTotal | This creates a vertical Total within the selected band. |
Unbound | This creates a new report area. We recommend using a sub-report call instead. |
Contents Panel
The Contents Panel contains all components, fields, and parameters involved in the report and the data sources.
The Report Explorer lists all components added to the Work Page. The top-level item is the page itself and can be selected to access additional page formatting options. Components can be dragged and dropped within the explorer to reorder or swap them.
The Field List is divided into two sections. The first section is the report’s data view and a full listing of fields. If you right click on a field in this section you’ll be provided with the Calculated Field Menu. At the bottom are the report Parameters. Any parameter that is named identically to a standard System Parameter will automatically be set to that parameter at runtime. Right clicking in this section will provide you with the Parameter Menu.
Calculated Field Menu
Add Calculated Field | Creates a new calculated field and selects it automatically, changing the Properties Panel to the new field item. |
Edit Calculated Fields… | Creates a popup containing only calculated fields in the report. |
Remove All Calculated Fields | Removes all calculated fields in the report. |
Edit Calculated Fields Popup
Left Panel | Contains a listing of all calculated fields in the report. |
Data Member | Do not edit. |
Data Source | Do not edit. |
Expression | Contains the expression, click on the ‘…’ beside the text to launch the expression editor. |
Field Type | If set, the expression will always resolve to the selected data type. We recommend setting this. |
(Name) | Name of the calculated field. |
Display Name | Display name of the calculated field. |
Properties Panel
The Properties Panel provides access to all component settings. It will automatically switch to whatever component has been selected, whether that selection happens on the Work Page or in the Contents Panel. If properties have a small grey checkbox beside them their value can be set using a formula.
The Properties Panel contains the following tabs:
1 – Appearance | This controls settings related to the visual look and size of the component. You will find things like font settings, size settings, color, and padding options. |
2 – Behavior | This controls settings related to how components behave on the page. You will find things like page break settings, visibility, word wrap settings, and position anchors. |
3 – Data | This contains settings related to contents of a component. It may include things such as text to be displayed, format strings, summary/grouping levels, default values, and database links/formulas. |
4 – Page Settings | This contains settings related to how the report is presented, including landscape mode, margins, page size, and printer settings. This is typically only accessible from the highest component in the Report Explorer, and if you intend to use the report as an export report to excel with only a single tab for the entire report, Roll Paper is the setting to accomplish this. |
5 – Miscellaneous | This contains a variety of other options for the component. Most notably, this tab contains the URL information for hooking up a report to Executive Knowledge Manager’s Web Reporting features. |
6 – Favorites | This contains a subset of the other tabs, often containing the most used settings for the component. |
All properties have in-software documentation as to their function. It is typically hidden behind the Sort and Group panel – pop out the panel or close it to see the help.
Sort/Group Panel
The Sort/Group panel is used to determine summary levels and data ordering in the report. Groups and sorts are fundamentally identical – if you are creating a header or footer band on the item then it’s a group, and if you’re not then it’s a sort.
Add a Group | Adds a field as a group, defaults to show a header. |
Add a Sort | Adds a field as a sort, does not automatically create a header. |
Delete | Deletes the currently selected group/sort. |
Move Up/Move Down | Changes the ordering of the group/sort. |
Field Name | Field name that the system uses as the group/sort value. |
Sort Order | Determines the order that the group/sort displays on the report. |
Show Header/Show Footer | Deletes (uncheck) or adds (check) a header or footer band on the Work Page. If you add the header or footer through the context menu on the Work Page the checkbox will update to reflect your changes. |
Suggested results: