What It Does
Calculates worksheets in batch by version.
When to Run
Typically used for more global type calculations in live mode. If site is large, you will typically have to run process in the Process Scheduler. Try to ensure other users are no in the middle of their work which will overlap your request or there could be contention where one of the jobs will fail as locked by the other process.
Salary Budget year is minimum, Optional Cost Centre and single worksheet selections.
Process worksheets perform worksheet calculations, salary calculations attached to that worksheet and transfers to the general ledger. If there are allocations, these are applied when transferring to the GL.
What It Does a) Prior to worksheet calculation, takes a snapshot of the detailed salary version in GL budget prepare. b) Calculates worksheets in batch by version. c) Calculates the variances between current production and snapshot prior to calculation. When to Run Typically used for more global type calculations in live mode. If site is large, you will typically have to run process in the Process Scheduler. Avoid running when other staff are processing worksheets to avoid issues. Requirements – Salary Budget year is minimum – Cost Centre and worksheet selections are optional Notes Process worksheets perform worksheet calculations, salary calculations attached to that worksheet and transfers to the general ledger. If there are allocations, these are applied when transferring to the GL. |
What It Does
Use the Worksheet profile assignment to set a default worksheet profile.
When to Run
After a rollover.
Worksheet profile assignments
What It Does
Uses the assigned worksheet profile and compares that to what is already attached to the worksheet.
If anything is missing, it will add those worksheet items.
When to Run
Typically after a rollover or system start-up.
Worksheet profiles and worksheets that have a profile assigned
What It Does
Bulk calculate salary hourly rates using configured salary grid, step, step plan and so on.
Good place to review if overall settings correct without performing a full salary or worksheet calculation.
When to Run
After rollover or system start up, as required
Fully coded salary record, on other words salary grid, plans and so on as calculation will be skipped if key items are un-coded. Successful calculations will four combinations for hourly rates.
Also called for Worksheet or Salary calculations
What It Does
Uses the Earning / Benefit assignment settings to set the secondary codes for earning and benefit codes.
When to Run
After rollover or when changes have been made to the assignment coding area.
Earning / Benefit assignments to secondary.
Also called for Worksheet or Salary calculations
What It Does
Uses the salary distribution assignment to set earnings or benefits distribution codes.
When to Run
After rollover or when changes have been made to the assignment coding area.
Salary Distribution assignments. Optional override settings.
Also called for Worksheet or Salary calculations
What It Does
For sites utilizing reason code in shifts, appends (expands) that detail to the budget prepare version. Normally the transfer uses the single grouped line to send detail to budget prepare which will conceal other detail line coding.
When to Run
AFTER all worksheet calculations have been performed and site is ready for reporting (Freeze calculation while using extra data)
Note: If you recalculation a workheet or version, the additional data will be removed as it is non-standard.
Typically, then entire version is processed. It can also be called with process scheduler.
What It Does
Calculate salary records by range (without worksheet calculations)
When to Run
When want to just calculate items that do not relate to worksheet.
Example: Change a formula for an earning or benefit and want to check impact overall.
Salary Version, suppress distribution option. Default is to include distribution.
What It Does
Performs just the allocations transfer from worksheet to salary.
When to Run
Would only run this separately when testing profile changes or specific items like vacation.
Salary Version, with option to skip profile assignment
Also called from Process worksheet which includes more processes including calculating allocations.
What It Does
Handy to create benefits for employees not currently having any benefits set. This process finds the best match based on Cost Centre and Employee classification combinations.
When to Run
When some records have no benefits but other records may have similar benefits.
Salary Budget Version
If no benefits are assigned, no match was found or there were no missing records. If still need to add other missing benefits, use the utility on C: Page 3
What It Does
Utilizes the defaults setup in the worksheet items dictionary details.
Only resets where needed.
When to Run
After modifying detailed worksheet dictionary entries impacted percent replacement.
Worksheet Items percent replacement is populated.
Salary version and options on how update or retain current value to override (override still in effect)
What It Does Batch process specially as part of new year (runs series of procedures sequentially) Runs the procedures as shown in the notes below (12 of them) When to Run As part of the rollover process, after the missing salary records have been imported Requirements Salary Budget Version Notes 1. Update Salary Master From Staging 2. Update Salary Profiles 3. Set Salary Step Plan 4. Set Salary Vacation Plan 5. Set Salary Grid Types 6. Add Missing Salary Class Grid Cross-References 7. Disconnect MisMatched Salary From Worksheets 8. Add Missing Worksheets 9. Assign Default Salary Records to Worksheets 10. Set Worksheet Group Role 11. Set Staff Budget 12. Force Worksheet Item Recalc |
What It Does
Utility performs a number of important steps including:
1) Aligns selected version to latest demographics
2) Updates accumulated hours
3) Calculates next step (increase by 1 where grid and step plans allow and thresh-hold met)
When to Run
After copying a partial version and after adding missing salary records from demographics.
If you refresh the demographics for any reason, you can also run this utility to align data and recalculate the above.
Salary budget version must contain correct download date.
Demographic data loaded into next fiscal year.
Salary version target is ready to be updated.
What It Does
Updates salary profiles based on profile assignments
When to Run
After salary version rollover or any time the profile assignments logic is modified.
Updated profile and assignments, Salary Budget Version
Handy to review impact of assignment changes at the version level. Process also runs at worksheet and salary calculation level.
What It Does
Updates employee step plan based on step assignments
When to Run
After salary version rollover
Updated step plan and assignments
Also runs as part of the salary calculation and/or process worksheet
What It Does
Updates employee vacation plan based on plan assignments
When to Run
After salary version rollover
Updated vacation plan and assignments
Also runs as part of the salary calculation and/or process worksheet
What It Does
Updates employee Grid type based on the Class Grid Cross Reference
When to Run
After salary version rollover or after you have changed the Classification and/or
Class Grid Cross reference and want to verify the assignments are working correctly.
Updated Class Grid Cross reference
Also runs as part of the salary calculation and/or process worksheet
What It Does
Reviews active employee classes and grid cross references and adds any missing entries and sets the target Grid Code to NOTCODED. If importing the latest grid cross reference, do that BEFORE this step.
When to Run
After rollover
Selected salary version
Ensures there is a cross reference for all employee classes in use by this version.
What It Does
Updates worksheet roles based on role details
When to Run
After salary version rollover or any time the roles are modified.
Updated role details and salary budget version
Saves time for worksheet calculation as usually takes 2 passes to get all settings correct otherwise.
What It Does
Set staff budget if not set, or if staff budget exceeds 1 (multiple deployment)
One employee max staff budget is 1
When to Run
After salary version rollover or anytime you see the staff budget is exceeding 1, allow the system to set default of 1 to the deployment record having the largest calculated FTE value.
Selected salary version
Optional feature if using the staff budget field for reporting
What It Does
Based on employee salary download step, check currently assigned step plan to ensure the plan includes at least that step number.
When to Run
After rollover
Selected salary version
Intended to add missing steps where employee already is at a higher step than permitted by the step plan.
What It Does
Based on salary grid, accumulated hours, step plan limits, FTE deployment,
calculates step increase date(s)
When to Run
After rollover or after changing anything impacting next step. Handy to review result after this single step.
Salary Budget Version
Also runs as part of the salary calculation and/or process worksheet
What It Does
Removes worksheet setting on the salary master header where either the Cost Centre or the employee class group no longer aligns with the worksheet.
When to Run
Typically run after a rollover / importing missing salary records from demographics.
Salary Budget Version
Please note it will only disconnect the records that are mis-matched. Typically run the create missing worksheets AFTER this step.
What It Does
Reviews employee Cost Centre and Employee Class groups and ensures there is a worksheet for that group.
If they are missing, a new worksheet is added.
When to Run
After rollover and add missing salary records from demographics.
**Please ensure all your Employee class types (especially the new ones just added after importing the demographics) are coded to an appropriate employee class group and production type. Failure to do that will result in creating worksheets that have an un-coded employee class group (which are not needed or wanted)
New worksheets will require setting of default profile and adding required scheduled items.
Typically you will run Assign Default Salary Records to those worksheets after creating them.
What It Does
Assigns any salary records that are not already attached to a worksheet, based on their Cost Centre and employee class group.
When to Run
After rollover and adding missing records from demographics. (after updating salary records from salary demographics)
Salary Budget Version
Typically runs just after creating missing worksheets.
<< CAUTION>>: Rarely used after site has manually disconnected a number of salary records manually, otherwise they will be re-connected using this method!
What It Does
Purges current version benefits matching employee numbers for the ones we are about to load
When to Run
After benefits process import to staging and BEFORE importing latest benefits
Staging benefits loaded for next fiscal year
Purges benefits assigned to current employees as those will be re-loaded from staging with the latest set.
What It Does
Add worksheet allocation records for any worksheet item that has something to allocate. Performs the task at the salary budget version level so can save time from doing it at worksheet or during a worksheet calculation.
When to Run
After full rollover process has ben completed
Salary Budget Version
Only adds items that are missing
What It Does
Purging worksheets that have no salary records assigned
Please check to see if you have any un-assigned staff (other than VACANT) for this version to make SURE you do not delete worksheet you will need. Check this on Tab C Salary and filter on salary records not assigned to a worksheet.
If the worksheet has no salary records attached to it, it will delete its own children which includes the worksheet items and allocations.
When to Run
As required
Salary Budget version
What It Does
Adds Missing Details Steps.
Ex: If you have step 1,2,3,4,5,17 and so it will create steps 6-16 with either a value from step 5 or 17 depending on the “Use Previous Value” flag. Previous would use 5 in this example…and not previous would use 17.
When to Run
As required
Salary Budget version and the Use Previous Value is either checked or not.
What It Does
Removes salary master and children tables that are not attached to a worksheet for this salary version.
When to Run
On demand, once you are sure the orphan records are not required.
Salary Budget Version
What It Does
Simulates edit/post on worksheet items in this version. Needed when someone redefines what the worksheet item does or its transfer type.
When to Run
On demand, usually when worksheet items already exists but its role changed.
Salary Budget Version
What It Does
Resets salary master rollover status based on version it was copied from. Normally do not have to run this utility.
When to Run
If a rollover was copied with wrong parameter (All tables true in error), then the flag will need to be reset as all tables retains the original setting from previous year.
– Salary Budget Version being set
– Previous Salary Budget Version
What It Does
Removes redundant (not required) historical entries carried over from previous years or versions. Only removes the ones that are not used to calculate this version. Also retains future based entries.
When to Run
On demand, usally after roll-over or importing of latest salary grids.
Salary Budget Version
What It Does *Warning* Removes ALL effective dates and detail for this salary version. Salary grid types (header) are not impacted. When to Run Only needed on rare occasions where site either loaded estimates or simply needs a clean re-load of all salary grids. Requirements Salary Version Notes Typically, the options on the salary grid entry are sufficient to purge single effective dates and so on. |
What It Does
Automatically assigns un-allocated FTE’s
1) Full Time first (full assign)
2) Part Time (Next 3 categories, split even within each to max FTE available)
3) Casual
4) Other
When to Run
AFTER ‘Add Related Salary records as allocations and AFTER performing a version worksheet calculation. (Need to have current setting of both calculated and assigned values)
Salary Budget Version
What It Does Compares Source to Target versions to auto-assign target FTE allocation based on source version. When to Run Typically second to last step of rollover steps Requirements Source and target versions Notes |
What It Does Last step to try to finalize automated allocations When to Run After Rollover Set Prior FTE allocation Requirements Target version Notes |
What It Does Updates configuration tables for: Role Detail (hours per fte) Worksheet Items Detail (number of weeks) Profile Fiscal Year detail (Adjust Reg hours to balance to new hours per fte) – Also recalculates the percentage split for all impacted profiles When to Run Typically after setting up or copying a version and need to change default hours / weeks After updating, ensure run process worksheet for entire version as will change calculation outcomes. Requirements Salary Version Weeks Hours Notes Typical Options (Can review hours / days in fiscal POA materiliazed table) Hours Per day Days Weeks 1,965.00 7.5 262 52.40 – Leap year 1,957.50 7.5 261 52.20 – regular year, all depends 1,950.00 7.5 260 52.00 – Typically aligns with meditech sites |
What It Does
Sets the earning code PY amount line item to the previous year value based on what is in Payroll Actuals. Only available if site is running ESM.
When to Run
As required
ESM Payroll actuals for prior year
What It Does
Sets the benefit code previous year amount line item to the previous year value based on what is in Payroll Actuals. Only available if site is running ESM.
When to Run
As required
ESM Payroll actuals for prior year
What It Does
Automates addition of salary distribution assignments by earning/benefit codes that will need assignments.
If a benefit or earning is based on an accumulator, there is no need to provide a default assignment as the distribution will default to its source distribution. If you redefine a benefit for example to use an accumulator, the code table screen will indicate that a distribution assignment isn’t required. You can still choose to override the default but if you want to allow the system to use the source accumulator distribution, just remove that entry of the distribution salary assignment.
When to Run
After initial site implementation or when you see some earning or benefits are not getting the correct distribution code.
Salary budget version and default distribution to assign.
Run this utility AFTER you have configured your earning and benefit dictionaries and created the salary profiles with default earning benefits attached to each of these. You can run this utility if you add benefits or believe some assignments may be missing.
What It Does
Creates custom salary grids for Grid Code mask for this version. Assumes the base grids have a minimum and maximum step amount setting (two steps) Creates default base step as of download date, then create another grid effective April 1st with the noted grid increase (percent)
When to Run
After importing both the staging and the missing salary master records, along with the latest base salary grids for the non-union in question.
– Salary Budget Version
– Salary Grid Types
– Percent Increase (not 0)
What It Does
Transfers the detailed budget preparation data for selected version by gl period, to its matched budget version. (As configured in the salary budget version table)
When to Run
Rarely. This process isn’t normally required as these transfers already occurs with any worksheet or salary calculation.
The entire version is usually transferred although a single worksheet can be specified as a source to limit the transfer to a single worksheet. The system transfer manages what needs to be updated or deleted in the target gl version.
What It Does
Transfers the detailed budget preparation data for selected version by pay period, to a single target fiscal year to ESM Payroll budget.
When to Run
When site wants to publish the source salary budget version for ESM reporting (Cubes, standard reports)
The entire version is usually transferred, which means the target fiscal year in Payroll Budget is deleted first. You may transfer a single Cost Centre if there was an issue with a single centre (only matching source range is deleted if transferring a single Cost Centre)
ESM Payroll Budget is considered the “Published” version
What It Does Update the transferred record Earning Benefit Codes to be summarized as per the translate table. When to Run After Transferring to Payroll Budget from Budget prepare Requirements Translate Table and fiscal year Notes Only relates to sites that require this additional step |
What It Does
Copies the contents of affiliated salary budget tables from one version to another.
All Tables checkbox:
Only leave checked if a full copy is required. (not a year-end rollover, a FULL copy)
For year-end rollover, ensure it is unchecked.
Delete Target checkbox:
Normally checked to ensure clean copy
Rarely, someone may wish to retain code tables that exist in the target already so this box would be unchecked.
When to Run
When rolling over to new year (partial copy)
When want a complete version copy (All tables is checked)
Please ensure the target salary budget version has already been defined along with it’s affiliated link to the gl budget version.
After a FULL copy (all tables), please ensure you perform a global salary calculation to transfer the data over to the gl as this is NOT copied as part of this process given the source salary record tags are all different in the new target version.
What It Does
Retains salary records for employees that are no longer in demographics, but maps them to VACANT employee ID. This also retains the benefits attached to these employees.
When to Run
After you have loaded missing salary records from latest demographics
Source and target salary budget versions are required, in addition to the demographics that were loaded for that particular fiscal year to the staging salary master.
This process occurs after adding missing (new) salary records related to this fiscal year. (Usually next fiscal year)
Salary Version Balance Adjustments/What It Does
This optional routine compares budgets at the worksheet level and makes adjustments where possible to match previous levels by:
Deleting extra VACANT positions where this version higher than source version
Creating VACANT positions when current less than source version
When to Run
After reviewing impact from the reports and deciding whether you want the automation to take place.
Source and target salary budget versions.
Before running this utility, please review “Worksheet Staff to Adjust” in “View Source Data” as this report will highlight the planned changes for this utility. (Will auto add staff, will auto delete staff.) This report relies on the system configuration of which is the current and prior year (or comparison version)
What It Does
Deletes the selected cost centre from the target salary budget version. Inserts the new data from the source budget version.
When to Run
As needed
Please ensure the target salary budget version has already been defined along with it’s affiliated link to the gl budget version.
What It Does Copies all worksheets, worksheet items & linked to that version and source cost centre to the target cost centre. Any Salary records (with benefits) to those source worksheets are copied to matching target worksheets / salary records. When to Run As required Requirements Salary Version Source Cost Centre Target Cost Centre Retain Employees (True/False) If true, keeps the same employees as in source (example would be split deployments) If false, the employee records are assigned to new VACANT employee records Notes |
What It Does
Provides ability to add or delete earnings or benefits, by selecting employee coding types.
When to Run
As needed. Especially useful when needing to impact a wider employee set.
Minimum requirement is for the Year/ Budget version, Earning / Benefit code. The system will NOT add duplicates so you do not have to worry about overlapping in that direction.
The only add or only delete based on another earning or benefit are especially handy for dependency based items.
What It Does
Delete code table vacant entries from employees that are no longer referenced
When to Run
On demand for clean-up only
Salary Budget Version
What It Does
Using the supplied:
– Budget Version
– Worksheet Profile (Optional if all profiles)
– Worksheet Item
Finds all worksheet items and deletes them.
Also deletes dependency records in the following tables:
– Salary Earnings
– Worksheet Item Allocations
What It Does
Pulls GL distribution data and assigns it to a Payroll distribution based on split for that fiscal year. It balances the output and posts to both PP and GL period to ESM Payroll Budget
When to Run
As required.
Fiscal Year, GL Mix type (sources to be considered for Cost Centre & secondary), Target fiscal and target source code.
Who should run this?
Typically only run if your site ISN’T using regular salary budgeting module OR you wish to create a forecast or other version using the GL budget preparation version as a source
What It Does
Based on the above filters and settings, sets the “No Step Increase’ and ‘No Grid Increase’ to either True or False
When to Run
As required.
Version, and optional filters of Coist Centre, Employee Organization, Employee Class Types and Employee Types.
Set No Step or No Grid to either True or False as desired
Who should run this?
Power user or local administrator. Typically after rollover or budget startup, depending on need.
Suggested results: