Worldsoft Documentation Search

Schedule Mass Email

**WSS 2/16/23

Schedule Mass Email – used to set up a mass email request.

A: Email Requests

Bottom Tab – A: Message Details

Save Message Details – select to save record.

Specify Users/Groups to Email:
Include Users
Exclude Users
Include Roles
Include Email Groups

Email Subject and BCC Option:
Check Box : Use BCC (Blind Copy). If unchecked, will send email using TO instead of BCC.
Check Box : Send As HTML Message (If unchecked, converts HTML message and sends as Plain Text)

Bottom Tab: B: Message – enter message to send.

Bottom Tab: Attachments

Upload New Attachment
Replace Attachment
Open Attachment
Save Attachment As
Delete Attachment

Bottom Tab: D: Schedules

??? insert fields

Top Tab: B: Email Groups

??? Insert Fields

Bottom Tab: Users in Email Group

??? Insert Fields

Top Tab: C: Schedule Logs
Mass Email Logs

Error Message (If Any)