The WSI Robot uses data typically from a database or in some cases a file (excel or CSV) to enter data into a foreign system.
Therefore the first thing you should do with the WSI Robot is setup a connection to your database or file so that you can use this data.
1) Go to the first tab called DB Connections
2) Create a database connection description first by clicking on the plus icon under the database connections grid. Enter a description, then save by clicking on the checkmark icon.
3) You should now see a list of database (or file) options to get your data from. In this example I will connect to the demo database I have running locally.
4) For most databases, simply specify the server name, database name, and user/password or integrated authentication in order to connect to the database.
5) To try your database connection click on “Test Connection”. If it’s successful, click on “Set Connection Info” to save the information to your DB Connection.
Here’s an example screenshot showing a connection to my local demo database:
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