Worldsoft Documentation Search

Capital Asset Utilities

**wss 12/1/22

Calculate Asset Depreciation

What It Does
Fully expands depreciation from purchase to end of asset life. Details of calculations can be seen on depreciation tab.

When to Run
As required, typically after adding new assets or changing asset expecting life.

Fiscal Year

Update Asset Master Accumulated Depreciation

What It Does
Updates the Asset Master to the current period of activity (based on the calculated deprecation schedule)

When to Run
As required, typically monthly run.

Period of Activity

Update Asset Cost Depreciation Yearly Calculation


  • Fiscal Year – Required


What It Does
Calculates both sections of Cost and Depreciation Impact to asset by fiscal year.  This data is retained in the cost depreciation detailed tab.

When to Run
At Year End as required.

Fiscal Year

Many transaction types are used to send the data to the correct categories.  Sites with operating balances will use that data as the base (base is frozen – cannot recalculate what was loaded as opening balances).

Update Asset Detail Maintenance

What It Does
Creates Asset Detail records from related GL actuals after import. Contract maintenance is separated from time & materials maintenance. Header record is then updated accordingly.

When to Run
As required, typically after importing GL monthly data.

Fiscal Year
List of contract maintenance Secondary Accounts. Other costs will be classified as non-contract maintenance.

Calculate Asset Amortization / Update Accumulated

Calculate Asset Funding Amortization

What It Does
Creates /Updates detailed amortization by month (POA) for asset funding based on what is stored in the asset header..

When to Run
As needed, or if any changes occurred in source fields for calculations.
Fiscal Year to start calculating from

Update Asset Accumulated Amortization

What It Does
Updates amortization to specific POA based on detailed amortization by month.

When to Run
Typically monthly to reflect point in time  amortization.
Month (POA) to calculate to.