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GL Budget Utilities

**wss 1/31/2023

Set Inflation Defaults
Regroup Line Items
Set Calc Using Distribution Flag to
Assign Distribution
Calculate Allocations
Calculate Distributions
Cleanup GL Budget Prepare (Line Items)

Create Personnel profile Earned Hours
Load Actuals to Line Item User Columns
Delete GL Line Items
Force GL Prep Inflation Recalc

Set Allocation Master
Transfer GL Line Items to GL Budget
Empty Budget (Start Over)
Clone Source to Target Version
Base Load Budget From Prior Version
Merge Budget From Prior Version
Load From Staging Data Load – Merge to Line Item 1 in Target Version
Clear Target Field Values (Reset to 0)
Reset Secondary GL Budget Flag
Refresh GL Distribution Actuals
Refresh GL Distribution Budgets
Delete Unused GL Master Accounts
GL Distributions From Actuals
Load Depreciation Detail to Budget Prepare
#OCDM Table Population
Refresh Materialized  OCDM Source Service Recipients Table
Copy Partial Budget Prepare Version
Move Partial Budget Prepare Version
Update GL Master Mapping
Load Trial Balance
Load Remote Budget

Utilities By Version

Set Inflation Defaults


  • Budget Version – Required


What It Does
Sets the inflation percent for accounts defined in the inflation dictionaries.

When to Run
As required

Inflation dictionaries and Budget version

Regroup Line Items


  • Budget Version – Required


What It Does
Takes line item accounts that are the same except for the line number (excluded notes)
And groups them into a single line. The intent of this process is that aligns all the data into a single line for calculations, typically in budget control.

When to Run
As required

Budget Version

Note that the process cannot be reversed and detailed notes would not be retained in the grouped row.

Set Calc Using Distribution Flag to …..


  • Budget Version – Required
  • Checked = Calculate Using Distribution – Required


What It Does
When checked, the amount column is the sum of GL Period 1 to 12 (GL Distribution).

When unchecked, the amount column is the sum of
Base amount,
Amounts 1 to 6
Inflation (Base * Inflation Percent),
Material management (Unit price * number of units)

In a similar fashion,
Checked: GL hours distribution
Unchecked: Base Hours

When to Run
As required

Budget Version

Running this feature never deletes any data, however, if you then turn around and distribute that data and your source columns for amounts was the distribution, you could end up deleting something you may want to retain. Consider that as part of the budget control process to store certain values in user defined columns. This will not affect the Base Amount

Assign Distribution


  • Budget Version – Required


What It Does
Assigns GL Distribution codes based on the assignment code tables

When to Run
As required

GL Budget Version

Calculate Allocations


  • Budget Version – Required


What It Does
Processes the allocation calculation based on current allocation code settings

Note: Calculating allocations also calculate distributions

When to Run
As required

GL Budget Version

Calculate Distributions


  • Budget Version – Required
  • Cost Centre


What It Does
Processes the distributions based on current allocation code settings. Records coming from the salary module are ignored.

When to Run
As required

GL Budget Version, or for a single cost centre (option)

Cleanup GL Budget Prepare (Line Items)


  • Budget Version – Required


What It Does
Deletes line items for the specified version that meet all of the following criteria:
– Have no budget documents
– Description is blank
– Amount, Hours, Base Hours, Calc Base Amount, Base Hours are all 0
– Calc 01 to Calc 06 fields are 0
– User Amounts 01 to User Amount 30 fields are 0

Any line items that meet the above criteria and are going to be delete also remove the following linked records:
– Pay Period Distribution Records
– Allocation Records

When to Run
As Needed

GL Budget Version

Create Personnel profile Earned Hours

What It Does
Draws salary budget data and auto-generates the Personnel Profile Earned hours based on MIS coding configured in the system tables (Production Type, Employee Class, Employee Type and Earning Benefit Types (for Earnings) See Target_MIS value code in each of these tables

When to Run
Typically this routine will be automated as part of the daily budget process job.

General Ledger budget Version


Load Actuals to Line Item User Columns

What It Does
Pulls data from ESM General Ledger actuals for the specified years.
Can include GL or Pay Budget (can process both at once)

When to Run
On demand as required.

Specify at least one source type (GL and/or Pay Budget)
Specify at least one source fiscal year
Specific at least one target budget prepare user column number (1-30)


Delete GL Line Items

What It Does
Permanently deletes GL line items from budget version

When to Run
To cleanup unwanted lines.

Budget Version and source code type(s)
Typically will also include selective Cost Centres and/or Secondary Accounts

<<Caution>>  Cannot be reversed so caution needs to be used on range to be deleted.

Force GL Prep Inflation Recalc

What It Does
Forces table trigger to recalculate any non-salary line with inflation percent or amount
to be recalculated.

When to Run
If user configuration changes from option 0 to 8 (On the GL Budget table table),
this utility needs to run to align the existing records to the latest configuration.

Budget Version

Xref: Inflation approach calculation settings
0 – Base,
1-6 Represents the Adjustment Column,
7 Means Base + All Adjustments,
8 Base + Adj 01 only

Set Allocation Master

Set Allocation Master


  • Budget Version – Required
  • Cost Centre – Required
  • Allocation Master – Required


What It Does
Sets the allocation table code to the detailed records based on selected Cost Centre

When to Run
As required

GL Budget Version, Cost Centre

Transfer GL Line Items to GL Budget


  • Budget Version – Required
  • Target Fiscal Year – Required
  • Target Distribution – Required


What It Does
Transfers the ungrouped GL budget prepare lines items data (by version) to a single fiscal year target in ESM budget.

If the parameter @gl_adj_to_salary_account is configured with a table translation, then this secondary account translation is applied

When to Run
When ready to publish GL budget version to ESM reporting. A single target exists for Budget, Target or Forecast by fiscal year.

Verify that the distribution is in balance for the version (GL Budget/Forecast Overview)

This process will overwrite the target based on fiscal year and the distribution type selected (Budget, Target, Forecast)

Empty Budget (Start Over)


  • Budget Version – Required
  • Source Code Type
  • Reason Code
  • What To Delete
    • ALL
    • Salary
    • Non-Salary


What It Does
Delete the entire version, or a selected portion of it based on either salary or non-salary.
Non-Salary is defined by the secondary account table flag where the salary flag is off (GL flag is on)

When to Run
As required. A site may want to replace the base budget loaded as the source has changed so to ensure there is a clean load, the GL base budget line items would be deleted and replaced with a new transfer or import.

GL Budget Version

Clone Source to Target Version


  • Budget Version – Required
  • Target Budget Version – Required
  • What To Include
    • ALL
    • Salary
    • Non-Salary


What It Does
Copies the content of the source to the target. If the source GL budget version contains records that were sourced from the salary module, these records are NOT copied. Transfers from salary would be accomplished from the salary module from desired salary budget version, either through a recalculation or transfer utility.

When to Run
As required.

GL Budget Version

Load GL Budget Total to Base of Another Version

Base Load Budget From Prior Version


  • Source Budget Version – Required
  • Target Budget Version – Required
  • Target Source Type – Required
  • Is Salary Budget? – Required
  • Is GL Budget? – Required


What It Does
Deletes target before loading budget amount from source into base budget of the target version. Salary or pay budget sourced post an offsetting entry.

When to Run
As required

Source and target versions, Target type, source types to be included

Note: This utility is used for base load only

Merge Budget From Prior Version


  • Source Budget Version – Required
  • Target Budget Version – Required
  • Target Source Type – Required
  • Target Field
  • Is Salary Budget? – Required
  • Is GL Budget? – Required


What It Does
Merges budget amount from source version into specified target field of the target version. This is a merge which means it will replace the amount column when found, or add the account when the detailed line item doesn’t exist.

Note: If Target field is base, then Salary or pay budget sourced post an offsetting entry.

When to Run
As required

Source and target versions, Target type, source types to be included

Note: Basic difference is this second option allows loading data to field other than base such as target or forecast. Second option only merges, does NOT delete

Load From Staging Data Load – Merge to Line Item 1 in Target Version


  • Source Fiscal Year – Required
  • Target Budget Version – Required
  • Target Source Type – Required
  • Target Field – Required


What It Does
Ensures GL master accounts exists before importing
Then Load the data from the staging data load into line 1 or 0 of that specific account. This is a merge which means it will replace the amount column when found, or add the account when the detailed line item doesn’t exist.

PAYBUDGET will post to line 0 while other source code types will post to line 1. PAYBUDGET is intended to be opening balances for salary accounts so they need their own line not to conflict with SALBUDGET transfers.

When to Run
As required given special nature.

Source and target version, Target source type and specific column to load it to.

Clear Target Field Values (Reset to 0)


  • Target Budget Version – Required
  • Target Source Type – Required
  • Target Field – Required


What It Does
Sets the target field amount (along with accompanying offset column if it applies) to zero.

When to Run
If there was a load error from either a base load or staging data load, this allows a reset (clear to 0) without deleting the physical records.

Source and target version, Target source type and specific column to clear. If clearing PAYBUDGET, the offset colulmn is also cleared.

Reset Secondary GL Budget Flag


  • What To Set – Required
    • Mixed GL/Salary (Default)
    • All GL


What It Does
Sets the default for secondary based on MIS standard / exceptions to either ALL GL accounts (sites that budget salary in GL module) or mixed model of GL / Salary accounts.

When to Run
As required.

Select either mixed for all GL accounts in dialogue

Refresh Materialized Tables

Refresh GL Distribution Actuals


  • No Parameters


What It Does
Updates the materialized table to current ESM GL actuals (all years)

When to Run
After changing anything in ESM GL Actuals (after import or posting adjustments), update the materialized table before reporting.

No parameters are required

Refresh GL Distribution Budgets


  • No Parameters


What It Does
Updates the materialized table to current ESM GL Budget (all years)

When to Run
After changing anything in ESM GL Budget (after transferring or posting adjustments), update the materialized table before reporting.

No parameters are required

Refresh GL Distribution Budgets

What It Does
Updates the materialized table to current ESM GL Budget (all years)

When to Run
After changing anything in ESM GL Budget (after transferring or posting adjustments), update the materialized table before reporting.

No parameters are required

No Parameter Utils

Delete Unused GL Master Accounts


  • No Parameters


What It Does
Clean up of GL master accounts that have no children.

When to Run
As required to ensure keep only valid accounts. Typically run it after an import and you discover that the import contained account combination that will never be used.


Automated Distributions

GL Distributions From Actuals


  • Source Fiscal Year – Required
  • Target Fiscal Year – Required


What It Does
Pulls GL actuals for matching accounts in staging data load. Balances the distribution and calculates percentages.
Creates distribution records for target fiscal year based on Cost Centre & Secondary and automatically creates assignment records.

When to Run
As required for selected accounts

GL account information to be considered must be imported into staging data load.
(Cost Centre & Secondary combinations)
Staging Fiscal year is ignored

Source fy
Example: Fiscal year (prior fiscal) being pulled for selected GL accounts to generate automatic distribution records.

Target FY
Distribution is being created usually for the next fiscal year based on prior year actuals.

Load Depreciation Detail to Budget Prepare


  • Fiscal Year – Required
  • Budget Version – Required
  • Source Type – Required


What It Does
Post asset specific level depreciation to GL budget version as part of detailed budgeting process

When to Run
When Required

– Fiscal Year (Normally Next Year)
– Budget Version
– Source Type (Normally GLBUDGET)

OCDM Table Population


  • OCDM Series – Required


What It Does

Runs procedure to populate all OCDM related tables

When to Run

As required, typically after change or table change


Refresh Materialized  OCDM Source Service Recipients Table

Refresh Materialized OCDM Source Service Recipients Table


  • No Parameters


What It Does

Refreshes the materialized table for the OCDM Source Service Recipients

When to Run

As required, usually after changing any of the OCDM pouplated tables

None. Updates all years

Copy/Move Partial Budget Prepare Version

Copy Partial Budget Prepare Version

What It Does
Deleted target version filters first, then
copies source version portion (By Cost Centre and other filters).

Source and target version must be different!

When to Run
Intent is to combined desired portions of budget into one target version

Source/Target budget versions and filters, minimum of a cost centre source.
Source type is optional.  All sources (Except SALBUDGET) will then be included in the delete and copy for noted filters.

Target reason type option exists

Move Partial Budget Prepare Version

What It Does
Detaches source detail records and re-attaches to the target account.

When to Run
As needed, when detailed records need to be attached to a different header account.

Minimum of a source and target cost centre.  Can be within the same version but version source and target must be specified.

Reason code target can be included if want to tag or change current coding.
Source and target versions can be the same or different

Set Account Mappings

Update GL Master Mapping

What It Does
Using the referenced GL master/detail mapping, sets the target
Job Cost and Project. 
Target reason code will only apply to ESM budget areas

When to Run
Typically this utility will be used the Job runner.  Run to test a change to the
GL Master/Detail mapping if want to check results immediately in either GL Actual or Budget

Fiscal Year, Actual (or Budget) and GL master mapping header ID as source

Can set either General Ledger Actual or Budget.
Currently used in concert with complex reporting mix reports. (Covid, Envelope funding)

Load GL Trial Balance From ESM GL Budget

Load Trial Balance

What It Does
Takes an image of what is currently is ESM GL Budget and posts
detailed (grouped accounts) to that version of GL Trial Balance.

When to Run
On demand

Source Fiscal Year,
Source Code Types,
Target Trial Balance Version

Please note if you target the same version and it already exists, it will erease target before
load fresh data.

Load Remote Budget
That one is special.  The prc_load_remote_budget isn’t compiled on most clients.
If it isn’t compiled than it will be suppressed on the utility pages it’s referenced on.